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Automa Chrome Extension Builder

Automa Chrome Extension Builder (Automa CEB for short) allows you to generate a standalone chrome extension based on Automa workflows. You can share this extension with another user for them to install on their browser or publish the extension to the Chrome Web Store.


Automa Chrome Extension Builder is still in Beta. If you find a bug or a missing feature, feel free to send a message on the Automa Discord Server.

Quick Start

A quick start on how to create your first extension using the Automa CEB, open the extensions page by clicking the "My extension" button on the automa website.

Click the "New extension" button to add a new extension, and input the extension name and description.

New extension

Open the extension, and you can change the extension icon or rename it on the details tab.

Details tab

And to add workflows to the extension, navigate to the workflows tab and click the "+ Workflows" button. There are two ways you can add workflows to the extension:

  1. Selecting the JSON files of the workflows
  2. Importing the workflows from the Automa extension.

Add workflows

After that, to download the zip file of the extension, you need to publish the extension first. You can do it by clicking the "Publish" button on the navigation, and when it's published, navigate back to the details tab and click the download button on the version that had been published in the version history section.

Extension version history